The IBO Training section is for IBOs only! iClub BIZ does not make any income guarantees. We will make available certain business support materials in hopes that they will assist the IBO in building a strong and profitable business but in no way are we making any guarantees.
Copyright © I-Club BIZ, LLC. 2020 All Rights Reserved.
Welcome to the iCB team. 
A group of Individuals who are cooperatively working together to create income through buying power.

Our common bond is found in our quest to create an income to accomplish our dreams. Since the comp plan is
based on every IBO purchasing from $12.50 to $25 of products every month, the company (That we own)
is committed to keep expanding the product lines to make it easier for each IBO to meet their volume
requirements without ever building inventory.

You'll find woven throughout the IBO training a focus on building a team of people who buy stuff in contrast
to teaching people how to sell stuff.

The reason for this is simple; Network Marketing works best with a lot of people all doing a little bit.

Instead of trying to teach a few people on how to sell a lot of stuff, we teach a lot of people how to buy a little stuff.

Let's break down the numbers.

We know there are 3 types of people who will get involved with you in your iCB business; Producers, Buyers
and Consumers.

The Producers are the ones that you're looking for. They'll be the ones who'll actually build the business. They'll use
our ADB to build the team and they'll purchase additional products too. You'll find our marketing systems
are designed to find the Producers and then get the Producers to duplicate the same process.

The Buyers are the next group. They'll join as an Active Member with a desire to become a PRODUCER but for
whatever reason, they don't fully engage. Since the Buyer wants to be a PRODUCER, they'll purchase at least
$12.50 per month so they can maintain their Volume accumulation for the Team Building income and also earn the
CASH Commissions that is paid out through the 7 levels of the unilevel. And as their organizations grow, you'll see
the buyers upgrading to a PRODUCER.

And the next group is the consumer. Consumers purchase our products and services because our products and
services will meet their consumer needs and then with our no purchase requirement to earn a referral bonus, you'll
see what we mean by our "1 will get you 4" customer strategy.

Your 1st GOAL

It should be every IBO's 1st Goal to become a Qualified IBO ASAP…. then go Director… then go Builder...
and then go PRODUCER!

And the easiest way to become Qualified Director Builder PRODUCER... is to use our ADB!

Now even though your 1st goal is to become a Qualified IBO... Make no mistake; you're looking for the Producers.

Producers will join at the $25 level and they'll start building right away.

But Producers are few and far between, so you need to understand the numbers.

Network Marketing is simply a numbers game with an attitude.

Now without making any guarantees…Here is how we look at the numbers:

I am sure you have heard of the 80/20 Rule: 80% of the sales will come from 20% of the people. I'd like you to take
that one step deeper. Even the 20% fall under the 80/20 Rule. 80% of the 80% is produced by 20% of the 20%.

What that means is this: 64% of all of your volume is going to come from 4% of your people. These 4% are the Producers.

Everything that we've done in iCB has been done to relate to the Producer.

Now I know some of you are thinking… then this isn't for me because I'm not a Producer.

Now please… do not take this wrong but… if that is what you're thinking right now…
you need to stop thinking like a broke person.

Here is one of the things that I have discovered in Network Marketing. Most people fail because they have not been
taught to think like a business person. The job world pays us the least they have to, to keep us working and the last
thing the job world wants is to have you start thinking you're worth more money. So, they try to keep us thinking we
are lucky to have a job.

We want you to start thinking that you can have a miracle in your life and everything is possible, and you deserve it.

We want you to understand that you don't all have to be the "All-Pro Quarterback" to get the Ring.
When your team wins the Super Bowl, everyone gets the Ring.

Every position is important; from the Trainers, to the Equipment people to the Coaches, to the people on the bench
and everyone else who is on the team.

Once you start to think like a business person… you'll stop thinking you need to be the super star.
You just need to be on the team.

I have never been afraid to admit that I have partnered with people (a lot of people) who are smarter than me.
In the job world those smart people are a threat to you but in Network Marketing... they are an asset to you.

The ADB is designed to help you build a team of people.

Once your team gets big enough, you'll have Producers on your team.

Here is one our Attitudes… Always stack the deck in your favor.

If 4% of the IBOs who join your team are going to be a Producer that number works out to be…
you'll get 1 Producer for every 25 IBOs who join your team.

Here's what we mean by stacking the deck… We look to get 1 Producer for every 25 IBOs who join the team.

One of the principles in business is this… Large Organizations are made up of small groups.

Build a team of 25 to find the person who will be a Producer.

The ADB (Automated Database Builder) will help you build that team.

The ADB will help you create the database and it's from the database that your Producers will come...

The key to having a lot of small groups of 25 is to either find the Producer who can build the numbers or bring in the
numbers to find the Producer.

Anyone can do this because the art of bringing in the numbers is based on using the ADB, and anyone can use our ADB.

The ADB is part of the Gold iWebaTool System. If you have not setup your $25/mo Gold iWebaTool System, click on the Setup iWebaTool Purchase in your iClub BIZ back office and set it up. (The Silver iWebaTool System doesn't have access to the ADB.)